Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My niece has arrived

My niece Abiegail Lee Fowlkes arrived today (8 wks early). Little Abiegail wieghs 4 lbs 4 ozs and 16 inches long. Abiegail (she is on a little oxygen) and mom are doing good. Can't wait to go and see her!! I'll have lots more pictures to post after my visit.

Proud Daddy and Big Brother Cooper.

Just the Girls

Brandy and Shaley (my nieces) with Mya.

My sweet girls

Aunt Kim with Shaley and Mya.
Me and Macy (she was more worried about the last of her ice cream than the camera)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Disney on Ice

Nana, Papa, Cooper (my nephew), Nae Nae, Macy and Me went to Disney on Ice at Alltel Arena last night and we all had a great time! I wasn't so sure about taking Macy at first. I was afraid she would get bored and we would be headed home early, but not the case. She had the best time dancing and clapping the whole night! We had some really good seats close to the ice, so there was lots going on for her to watch. It was a great show and I recommend everyone going, there is still a couple of days of shows left.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Toddlers & Tiaras (Strawberry Fest Pageant-Cabot)

Macy didn't come home a winner, but she did a GREAT job!! Can't wait till our next pageant.

Friday, April 17, 2009

'Twas the night before the Pageant......

Check back tomorrow for the results! :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Visit here for a Little Luvee Blanket giveaway.

Visit here for a $50 gift card to Target.

Visit here for a $10 gift card to Old Navy/Gap.

Good Luck!

Monday, April 13, 2009

All Dressed Up

Easter Wrap Up

Pictures of the kids Easter Egg at church, dying Easter Eggs, goodies from the Easter Bunny and hunting Easter Eggs at Nana's.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

At the Foot of the Cross--Scenes from The Passion of Christ

Monday, April 6, 2009

Fabulous Giveaways

I found this site with some great giveaways. Check it out and sign up. You never now you could be a winner.

Fabulous Fun Finds Featured Item

Visit with the Easter Bunny

Me and my mom took the girls to see the Easter Bunny last Friday. Here are some of the pictures we took from our visit.

Mya obviously wasn't bothered by the Easter Bunny. I'm sure we'll get a different reaction from her next year!

Here I am trying to talk Macy into sitting on the Easter Bunny's lap. She was really just fine standing by him and waving at him.

And this is the end result after I finally just stuck Macy on his lap for one quick picture of both of them together. Oh the memories we are making!! :)