Friday, May 28, 2010

Nothn' Runs Like A Deere

Shane and I recently hosted a Tool and Lawn Shower for my brother and his fiance. I got so busy during the shower that I forgot to take any pictures of you'll just have to enjoy a few pictures of the decorations.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


We attended a mother/daughter banquet this week at our church. We had a great time of fellowship with the other ladies and their daughters, lots of yummy food and cute skits.
Me with my girls ~ who never smile for the camera. HA!

Me, Macy, My Mom (Nana) and Mya

This Is A Scary Sight

I'm sure they both will be at driving age waayyy before I'm ready for that!

She's Getting Married

Our niece Brandy is getting married in June and we are so excited for her and Brody! :)

Brandy with her cute cake!

Brandy with her mom Kim

Brandy and I


I'm sure she is thinking.... "Wonder what goes in here??"

Was'nt really sure how to title this post...just thought it was cute of Macy trying to dress herself and since I'm using this blog as a scrapbook I had to post it.

Lazy Sunday

Disney on Ice ~ April 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Oh How This Brings Back Memories

I'm sure this not only brings back memories for me but will for my mom also when she sees these pictures. When I was a little girl a loved getting to ride on the dozer with my daddy and sometimes still wish I was that same little girl *sigh*. But know I get to enjoy watching my girls make memories riding on the dozer with their papa and see how much fun they have!!

Pictues of Macy and her Papa doing some yard work at our house....

Family Easter Picture

So I try to get a good family picture at the holidays when we are all dressed up but for some reason not matter how many pictures we take they always turn out like this.....

someone always has their eyes closed (mostly Shane HA!), heads are turned, someones crying or biting on their nails. Oh my, better luck next time!

Easter 2010