Sunday, February 8, 2009

25 Random Things About Me.....

(Sorry if you are my facebook friend and blogger friend you have to read this twice)

1. I am thankful that I have Christian parents who took me to church.

2. I am thankful that I have Jesus in my life!!

3. I have a wonderful family.

4. I love my church and church family.

5. I have a bad habit of playing with my hair. I can even tie knots down a strand of my hair with one hand.

6. I love being a mom. It’s one of life’s greatest blessings.

7. Shane and I were married in Maui and I can’t wait to go back for our 10 yr. anniversary! (only 5 more yrs to go)

8. Shane and I were in the process of adopting a baby from China when we found out I was pregnant with Macy!

9. I would love to try and adopt again some day, but only if it’s in God’s will for our family.

10. My baby girls are 15 months apart.

11. I would like to take a photography class.

12. Reading, sewing & tanning are a stress reliever for me.

13. I talk to my mom everyday, usually 5 or 6 times a day. (or more!)

14. I love shoes and have way too many, but since I have 2 girls I’ve had to cut back and buy for them. Macy is just like me, she loves shoes. (she thinks if you try a pair on her, she gets to keep them---most of the time she wins!)

15. I love reality T.V.

16. I am not a morning person.

17. I love to chew ice. When I was pregnant with Mya ice was my favorite thing to eat.

18. I hate folding and putting away the laundry.

19. I love the smell of coffee, but I don’t drink it.

20. I worked for a Title Company for almost 10 yrs.

21. This is a lot harder than I thought it would be!

22. I broke my collar bone at church camp (fell off the top bunk) and never went back.

23. My brother Blake taught me how to drive a standard. I was probably 15, he was 9!

24. I love wearing my pj’s all day when I have no where to be.

25. I like the “laughing gas” you get when you go to the dentist.