Saturday, May 16, 2009

Queen of ALLL Things Awe-Summm!!! award

I have been given the Queen of ALLL Things Awe-Summm!!! award by one of my blogging friends April.

As Queen, it is my duty to

1.) List 7 things that make me Awe-Summm!!!
2.) Pass the award onto 7 bloggers
3.) Tag the 7 bloggers & let them know they are Queens also
4.) Link back to the one who tagged me.

7 Things That Make me Awe-Summm:

1.) I am proud to say that I am a Daughter of the King and will one day spend eternity with him!

2.) I have been married to my wonderful husband for 5 years.

3.) I have 2 of the most amazing daughters and I cherish every moment I have with them.

4.) I love being able to stay at home with my girls and am thankful that my husband is such a good provider for our family, allowing me to be able to do this!

5.) I love to get a tan! (What would a Queen be without a tan! HA!)

6.) I'm addicted to Reality T.V.

7.) I love to shop. Mine and Macy's favorite thing to buy is shoes.

My 7 bloggers to tag:
1.) Morgan
3.) Mica
4.) Amy
5.) Kim
5 will have to do!


Nic said...

Girl I'm so with you on the tanning! Well, and the shopping too =)