Friday, January 29, 2010

It's Not A Winter Wonderland

We got a light dusting of snow here in Central Arkansas (and ice too). Not enough to build a snowman, but enough for schools to be closed and it sure is pretty to look at. We are expected to get some more snow this afternoon so we'll wait and see how much. Me and girls are going to head outside and play in it this afternoon and maybe take a ride on the rhino. Yay for snow!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for my 2 sweet beautiful girls that God has blessed my life with!
What are you thankful for?
For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him. 1Samuel 1:27

Mya's 1st Haircut (1/13/10)

Macy needed a little trim on her hair the other day so I decided I would let Mya get her's trimmed up for the first time. She did a great job and sat in the chair like such a big girl!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It's Been Awhile....

Since I've posted any updates on how our new house is coming along. Thought I would post a few pictures. Shane has been working on laying tile the last couple of days so here are a few pics of rooms he has it laid in...

Girls Bathroom

Laundry Room

Dining Area
We hope to start laying our hardwood floor this weekend and installing some carpet next week. Looks like we are down to the final home stretch of things and should be moved in sometime in February! :)

Just hangn' around

My little Mya has become quiet the little climber in the last couple of months! Most of my day is busy pulling her off of stuff that she has climbed onto. I'm sure her next feat is to some how get onto the counter tops! Oh my!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Future Chefs

Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas Recap **warning lots of pics**

Macy was in the Christmas program at church this year. The kids were all dressed up as an ornament. The smaller kids sang "Away in a Manager" and "Happy Birthday to Jesus"

We had a pajama party at Aunt Kim's and the kids and adults too ;) decorated cookies and made gingerbread houses and we even had a visit from Santa and he brought all the kids gifts...they had so much fun!
Macy, Mya and our niece Shaley

Brandy, Shaley, Mya, Aunt Kim & Macy

Macy, Me, Mya & Shaley (I promise Macy is not picking her nose! She has a bad habit of biting her fingers)

~Christmas with Shane's family~
Brandy, Mya, Shane, & Pa (Shane's dad)

Mckenzie, Christopher & Shaley

Hunter~ poor guy broke his arm the night before

Uncle Scott got Macy a "horse" for Christmas.

Ethan and Macy opening up her horse rain boots.

Brandy helping Mya open presents

NOTE: I don't have any pictures to post of Christmas with my family....Mya and I both had the stomach virus and had to miss, but I'm sure my mom took lots of pictures to share with me..wink wink!
~Christmas Morning~
Looks like the girls were very good this year! ;)

"I wanna be a rock star" HA!

It Must Be *Snow*

We woke up this morning to a little *snow* on the ground! Not alot of it (compared to what they got north of us) but it is pretty too look at. Mr. Sun has come out and now the *snow* is melting away. :( The forecast is calling for more *snow* Wed. and Thurs. so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's enough for me and the girls to get out and play in! :)

I'm wishing we were enjoying this first *snowfall* in the new house in front of a nice warm fire. ~sigh~