Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Wkend 1/29/10

I'm finally getting around to posting pictures of our snow weekend from 2 weeks ago! Hope you enjoy!

Me and the girls heading out for a ride on the rhino.

Me, Macy and my niece Shaley

Me and the girls

Shaley and Macy having a snowball fight
Aunt Kim and Shaley

Macy making a snow angel

Just realized my pics are a little out of order, so this top one happened after the bottom one....I was getting resituated and didn't give a second thought that my husband was the driver...needless to say he pulled a fast one on me and I ended up on the least I still have a smile on my face! :)

Aunt Kim and Shaley

Macy enjoying the ride

One of the many times Aunt Kim and Shaley got thrown off

Me and Macy